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        • Common Conditions
        • Our most common conditions are Low Back Pain, Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain, Ankle, Wrist, and Hip Pain.

        • Specialty Conditions
        • Our licensed clinicians offer customized treatments for Oncology, Medical Weight Loss, Vestibular, Eldery Care, and more.

        • Specialty Programs

        • Women’s Health
        • Incorporate PT into your routine to improve functionality and overall physical health.

        • COVID Recovery
        • We provide a dedicated treatment program to positive COVID-19 patients.

        • Weekend Warriors
        • Don’t let a nagging sprain or injury take away time from your favorite activities.

  • Insurance and Pricing
        • For Partners
        • Agile integrates with organizations to deliver a premium, convenient virtual physical therapy experience.

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        • Explore the benefits of telehealth PT for employees.

Three facts you need to know about telehealth and physical therapy

Telehealth and Physical Therapy

Have you ever thought about how much more comfortable you would be doing physical therapy at home? You’re not alone. It’s actually thoughts like these that led to the combining of telehealth and physical therapy.

This combination goes by many names. Some people refer to it as telehealth physical therapy, and it’s also commonly known as tele PT or virtual PT. No matter what it’s called, this type of physical therapy occurs one-on-one with a physical therapist via technology. People who are considering telehealth physical therapy often want to know more about it. There are several facts that you need to know about tele PT before you decide to use it.

You should know these three facts about telehealth physical therapy

Deciding to use a medical service that’s new to you can cause some anxiety, but learning more about the service can help increase your comfort with and confidence in that service. That’s why there are several facts that you should know about tele PT before you use it

Some of these facts include that it:

  1. Costs less — Traditional in-person physical therapy often costs less than other medical services. However, virtual PT takes the cost savings to an even lower level. A case study by one virtual PT provider reports that users saved up to 47% on their costs per episode of care.
  2. Reduces your total number of sessions — You probably wouldn’t be opposed to treating your pain with fewer physical therapy sessions. After all, fewer sessions help reduce costs. They also mean going to PT has a smaller impact on your schedule. One study found that tele PT can treat you effectively with fewer sessions. This study reveals that tele PT reduced the total number of sessions needed by 32%.
  3. Satisfies patients — Medical service providers want to help people treat their injuries and medical conditions, but they also want their patients to be satisfied with the services they provide. In this, virtual PT providers are little different from in-person providers. Fortunately, virtual PT has proved to have a high level of patient satisfaction. One study on this service reports that it had a 91.2% patient satisfaction rating.

Find the right combo of telehealth and physical therapy for you at Agile Virtual PT

Are you ready to try telehealth physical therapy for your injury or medical condition? Our Agile Virtual PT team is primed to help you get the top-notch virtual PT you’re searching for. Our clinicians are fully licensed, and they’ll work with you one-on-one throughout your entire therapy process. We even offer free online screenings to help you begin your therapy process with us.

Contact our team today for more information about the issues we can help you treat or to schedule an initial appointment.