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        • Our most common conditions are Low Back Pain, Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain, Ankle, Wrist, and Hip Pain.

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How can virtual physical therapists help you with back injury prevention?

Back Injury Prevention

The best way to keep from having back pain is to prevent a back injury from happening in the first place. You have likely heard something like this before. Yet this fact hasn’t stopped about half of all U.S. workers from developing back pain annually. Part of the reason so many people wait until they’re in pain to get help is they think learning if they’re at risk for back pain will be time consuming. But it doesn’t have to be if you meet with a certified virtual physical therapist to seek help preventing a back injury. 

Four ways virtual physical therapists can help with back injury prevention

Certified virtual physical therapists have the exact same qualifications as the ones who help you during in-person PT sessions. The difference? Virtual physical therapists meet with patients over secure online video feeds. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t help you with back injury prevention. On the contrary, there are several steps a virtual physical therapist can take to help you with back injury prevention, including: 

  1. Assessing your movement — Trouble bending or flexing your back could be a sign that all is not right with your spine. Virtual physical therapists can assess your movement ability. This typically involves asking you to move and bend in certain ways. Your physical therapist may also ask you questions about movements you have trouble doing. Other questions might cover topics like your medical history and normal daily activities.
  1. Pinpointing underlying issues — The prevention of back injuries starts with pinpointing back issues that can turn into injuries. Virtual PT specialists can gather data about your back during your movement assessment. They can then use their extensive musculoskeletal system knowledge to determine what underlying issues might be making it harder for you to move. They can even help you address such issues before they blow up into a severely painful injury.
  1. Creating a strengthening and flexibility program for you — Virtual physical therapists can also take steps to address underlying strength and flexibility issues. They can do so by building you a therapeutic exercise program. This program will be unique to your specific strength and flexibility deficits. Many of the exercises in this program can also be used to help if you do develop back pain. 
  1. Offering you posture tips — Posture is a lifestyle factor that directly affects your back. Good posture can go a long way toward helping prevent back issues. Poor posture can increase your risk of an injury or pain. Virtual physical therapists can help put you in the first of these categories. They can offer specific tips designed to help you improve your posture. You can even continue to practice these tips to maintain good posture in the future. 

Find help preventing and treating back problems at Agile Virtual PT

Looking for a virtual physical therapist who can help you with back injury prevention? Our Agile Virtual Physical Therapy team includes 400+ clinicians that fit the bill. These clinicians are fully certified and experienced at helping people treat and prevent painful back issues. You can even work with the same physical therapist in every virtual session if you want to. 

Contact our team today for more information about how we can help you treat or prevent back problems or to schedule an initial appointment with one of our virtual clinicians.