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6 benefits of remote physical therapy

Remote physical therapy

Remote physical therapy can help people in many different situations. Do you want help recovering from an injury, addressing a chronic issue or maintaining good health? Physical therapy can help. In addition to increasing mobility and reducing pain, physical therapy can play a crucial role in improving well-being. Some physical therapy clinics require in-person visits. However, this can be difficult to manage as a patient. Personal circumstances can make it hard to reach a clinic for frequent visits. Fortunately, remote physical therapy programs offer a helpful alternative. Innovative online platforms allow for direct guidance from the comfort of your own home.

Reasons for using remote physical therapy

  • Accessibility — Physical therapy is not always easy to access. Many people live in areas with limited access to health care facilities. Disability and lack of transport can also limit access. In these cases, it can be difficult to find nearby physical therapy clinics that work for you. Remote physical therapy can help bridge this gap. The opportunity to receive professional care online can make a big impact on ease of access.

  • Busy schedules — People tend to have many different things going on in their lives. This is why physical therapy can be hard to fit in. People often work full-time jobs and have household affairs to look after. Other obligations like social events can make someone’s schedule even tighter. A packed schedule can make allocating time for in-person therapy sessions difficult. Virtual options can provide some needed flexibility. These services can cut transportation time and allow for more scheduling options. This means virtual therapy sessions can be made to suit the patient’s availability.

  • Limited mobility — Injury, surgery and chronic conditions can limit a person’s mobility. Issues like these are often why someone seeks physical therapy in the first place. Conditions that limit physical mobility can make regular travel to a clinic challenging. The freedom to attend therapy sessions from home can be a big reason for choosing remote physical therapy.

Benefits of remote physical therapy

  • Personalized care — Virtual sessions are often one-on-one. This allows licensed clinicians to be attentive with each patient. Further, they can develop tailored treatment plans. In-person physical therapy clinics can sometimes be limited to treating common conditions. Virtual care can offer treatments for conditions that are more uncommon. Specialty therapy programs are designed to address unique situations with specialized techniques. For example, virtual care can include treatments related to COVID-19 recovery.

  • Convenience and flexibility — Accommodation is a top priority of remote physical therapy. Virtual sessions can end the need for travel and waiting rooms. This can make virtual therapy a highly convenient option. Online sessions can save valuable time and effort. Flexible scheduling can also make it easier to integrate physical therapy into your daily schedule. Do long work hours limit your exercise to evenings and weekends? Virtual physical therapy can bring great benefits to weekend warriors. Online clinicians can help address issues caused by athletic activity. Issues like sprains and strains, for example, are often treated. Regardless of your lifestyle, the convenience of virtual physical therapy can be beneficial.

  • Cost-effectiveness — Cost can be a major factor in weighing treatment options. Some treatments can be prohibitively expensive for the average patient. Fortunately, virtual physical therapy can offer a lower cost solution without sacrificing quality. Virtual physical therapy can decrease costs by 47% per episode of care. At the same time, virtual patients still report high satisfaction with their treatment.

  • Improved adherence — Convenience and affordability can make it easier to stick with treatment. Some individuals can struggle with adhering to in-person physical therapy for various reasons. Time constraints and transportation issues, for example, can make attending frequent sessions difficult. Virtual physical therapy can help eliminate many of these barriers. In doing so, it can lead to improved attendance rates.

  • Technology integration — Virtual physical therapy can bring access to helpful technological tools. Digital tools and online platforms utilized by clinicians can enhance the therapy process. These tools can include videoconferencing software and mobile applications. Tools like these can make it easier for patients to receive real-time feedback. By improving responsiveness, technology can help ensure that your treatment plan stays on track.

  • Access to specialists — Accessing specialized care is not always easy. Fortunately, barriers to this care can be surmounted with virtual services. Remote physical therapy can provide opportunities to consult with specialized clinicians who may not be available locally. The access to a diverse range of experts offered by virtual therapy can help each patient get the special care they need.

Agile Virtual PT can provide on-demand remote physical therapy services

Patients can reap the benefits of virtual care with Agile Virtual Physical Therapy. Our innovative approach to physical therapy means you can have access to affordable care from an expert team. With full virtual and hybrid options available, our team is here to help improve your health wherever you live.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.